ISBN: 9789657607084
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrations: Najwan Zoubi
The Jesus Boat
One of the most enjoyable dreams of childhood is that of finding a treasure. Here is a true story of a dream comes true.
One day on the year 1986, when the sea level was low, two Israeli brothers, living in a kibbutz on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, found an ancient boat. Little did they know that archaeologists will enthusiastically crown their discovery as one of the most important reminders from Jesus' lifetime!
Excavating the boat from the mud without damaging it was a difficult process which lasted 12 days and nights. The ancient wood was extremely fragile when exposed to the atmosphere and the boat had to be rescued by wrapping it in a mantle of fiberglass and insulating foam, which helped with both keeping it together, and floating it to its new location in the museum adjacent to the place where it was found. Since then, it is one of the highlights in every Christian pilgrimage tour to the Holy land.
The "Jesus Boat" story for kids ties beautifully together this stunning discovery and the biblical text from Mark 4:35-41, about Jesus calming with his miraculous power a sea storm. "it was a boat much like this ancient one", it reveals, "that Jesus and his friends sailed out one night…".
Author: Tamara A.
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
Caesarea - Maritma
The Fabulous Roman Port
in the Holy land
This is the story of Caesarea, a glorious city by the eastern Mediterranean shores. Caesarea was built by king Herod "the Great" about 25–13 BCE as the port city Caesarea Maritima, to serve the Roman merchant fleet and navy. The new port was considered the diamond in the cap of Herod "The Builder", who named it after his patron, Augustus Caesar. The city served as an administrative center of Judaea Province of the Roman Empire. During the classic period, Caesarea became the capital of the Byzantine Palaestina Prima province.In addition to the story, which is simplified for children, the book quotes from the contemporary Roman historian Josephus Flavius, who tells of this glorious city and its marvelous port. During the 20th century A.D, the modern town of Caesarea was established near the ruins of the old city, which were made into the national park of Caesarea Maritima.
Arieh - The lion of Megiddo (Armageddon)
This is the story of Mount Megiddo, told by Arieh, the lion. Canaanites fought there but couldn’t beat the Egyptian kings who freed the Israelite nation all the way to the Galilee.
Megiddo (known by the Greeks as Armageddon – the final battle) flourished during the reign of the Jewish kings and many important battles were fought there and will be fought until Messiah will arrive.
ISBN: 9789657607305
Author: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Rony Tamir
The Lost Lamb and The Find of The Century
In the Negev desert, in 1947, a young Bedouin man lost his lamb near the hills of Qumran.
He found it in a cave where he also discovered ten jars of clay. One had some scrolls.
He brought it to a Jewish professor who realized what an ancient treasure had been found – the Holy Bible in its earliest form that belonged to an ancient Jewish community in Qumran.
ISBN: 9789657607671
Author: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Natallya Chernysheva

Masada Siege's End - מצדה - סיפור המצדה מה היה בסופ ו
This is the story of the heroic warriors of Masada two thousand years ago and the siege of the great Roman army that lasted for months. The tragic choice the Jews had to make between death and freedom and the inevitable sacrifice.
ISBN: 9789657607251
Author: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernyshva
The Ballad of Magdala

ISBN: 9789657607435
Author: Garit Gani
English Version: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
Although Magdala is mentioned several times in the scriptures (Maria Magdalena is a prominent clue), it came as a huge surprise in the year 2009, when remains of an ancient fishery town were revealed near the contemporary shores of the Sea of Galilee. All this happened while digging foundations for a pilgrims' guesthouse on the shore.
Right at the start, the workers unearthed a first century synagogue - one of only seven synagogues from this period in the world. It is more than likely, that Jesus himself had taught here on His ministry in the Galilee. Along with the synagogue, there was discovered an entire first century city, with homes and warehouses, stores and ritual bathes.
Most exciting was the discovery of a stone block, on which a Menorah shape was engraved. It tells that the artist must have seen the original Menorah in Jerusalem before 70 AD (year of the Temple's destruction).
After this stirring discovery, there was erected on site a one-of-its-kind Chapel, the 'Duc In Altum'. With a view of the Sea of Galilee and a unique boat-shaped altar, this chapel commemorates Jesus preaching from the boat. 'Duc In Altum' draws its name from Luke 5:4
where Jesus instructs Simon Peter to “launch into the deep”. On May 26, 2014, during his pastoral pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Pope Francis blessed the tabernacle, which resides on the altar in the Boat Chapel.
The Magdala Stone (Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority)
'Duc In Altum' also exalts the presence of women in the Gospel, first and foremost Mary from Magdala, who was a follower of Jesus and one of the three who found His empty grave.
In just a few short years, with only part of the site excavated, Magdala has already become a very special place of history and culture, as it provides an authentic location to walk and pray where Jesus taught, and to connect with the first century life of Jesus’ followers.

ISBN: 9789657607480
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
Tales a Tel Tells
Esther, a 12 year old Israeli girl, travels through time
and meets children from the past: Sirgofen the
Egyptian girl, Ruben the Israelite, Yuliana the Roman
and Musa the Muslim. All of them used to live at the
different eras at the city of Beit-shean , on the north-
east of the Holy land.
The contemporary Israeli girl Esther, who tells the
story, leads us through the periods and introduces her
long-gone friends. She reveals her secret: Out of my
window I look at the Biblical Tel/ 18 layers of periods it
tells./ Some nights I dream my mother bakes/ an eighteen
layers cream n chocolate cakequot;
Beit-shean is a 6000 year old settlement, 4000 of
them are buried in the bowels of the earth, while
the remnants of the magnificent Roman city of Beit-
shean, which was ruined in a massive earthquake,
are close at hand and call for us to visit.
The reading is accompanied by a time-table (p. 22),
which will help the young readers and adults as
well to find their way through the layers of time.

City of David
In this delightfully illustrated story, Elad the Dove takes the reader through the 3,000-year history of Ir David, the City of David. From the days of the Patriarchs to Temple times to the modern era, Elad guides the young and the young at heart through the sites which lie at the crossroads of world events. It is a journey you will never forget!
ISBN: 9789657607503
Author: Joseph Bloch
Illustrations: Lulu Sorek
Kursi's Secrets
A charming family in the fishing village of Kursi, on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, in the 5th century, is getting ready to celebrate their son’s tenth birthday. On this occasion, the young boy can finally learn the awesome, terrifying tale which makes his hometown famous (based on Matthew 5; Mark 8; Luke 8). His father, a local mosaic artist, reveals the secret of the miraculous healing done by Jesus there. The spiritual ministry of Jesus began in the fishing villages around the Sea of Galilee. On the eastern shore, a few hours’ walk from Capernaum, his base of operations, ruins of a settlement have been found, along with a fishermen’s wharf from the Byzantine Era. According to researchers, this site is to be identified with 'Gergesa' or the 'Country of the Gergesenes', which is mentioned in the New Testament. Over the years, the place became known as Kursi. In this area, according to Matthew 5, Mark 8 and Luke 8, Jesus demonstrated his power and healed a man possessed by demons. The demons left the man and entered a nearby herd of swine, which in terror ran down the slope to drown in the sea. The man who was cured then spread the story about the wonders of Jesus. In a certain sense, we may say that this man was Jesus’ first missionary. At this location, surrounded by high basalt stones, ruins of an impressively large basilica were found, alongside an expansive monastery including a dormitory, public buildings, a bathhouse, an olive press and a guesthouse. The ruins are dated to the 5th century, testifying to a Christian community living in the same place where a Jewish community existed in the time of Jesus. On the hillside above the ruins of the church, a giant rock protrudes, alongside the ruins of a small chapel. Tradition identifies this as the spot where Jesus met the man possessed by demons. However, Kursi’s main claim to fame is the beautiful mosaic floors found there. The mosaic artist of Kursi, in the 5th century, excelled at depicting local scenes of nature: fish, birds, plants, fruits. The most famous mosaic depicts a basket and two doves. It is worth noting that the surviving mosaics do not depict the tale related in the New Testament. As the mosaics show some signs of damage throughout the centuries, there is reason to hypothesize that such a mosaic did exist at one point. (Keep in mind that both Muslims and Jews consider pigs unclean.) The settlement survived until a massive earthquake hit the Galilee in 749. The site is now maintained by the Israel Nature and Parks Authority as the Kursi National Park. Annually, it is visited by tens of thousands of tourists and pilgrims, who enjoy a fascinating and inspiring experience. The spiritual ministry of Jesus began in the fishing villages around the Sea of Galilee. On the eastern shore, a few hours’ walk from Capernaum, his base of operations, ruins of a settlement have been found, along with a fishermen’s wharf from the Byzantine Era. According to researchers, this site is to be identified with 'Gergesa' or the 'Country of the Gergesenes', which is mentioned in the New Testament. Over the years, the place became known as Kursi. In this area, according to Matthew 5, Mark 8 and Luke 8, Jesus demonstrated his power and healed a man possessed by demons. The demons left the man and entered a nearby herd of swine, which in terror ran down the slope to drown in the sea. The man who was cured then spread the story about the wonders of Jesus. In a certain sense, we may say that this man was Jesus’ first missionary.At this location, surrounded by high basalt stones, ruins of an impressively large basilica were found, alongside an expansive monastery including a dormitory, public buildings, a bathhouse, an olive press and a guesthouse.Kursi’s Secret allows the young reader to encounter, in a friendly and attractive way, the biblical narrative and its setting almost two millennia ago
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Elias Akleh

Caesarea Philippi & the Banias nature reserve
The Caesarea Philippi remains in northern Israel of today are yearly
attended by hundreds of thousands, coming to visit the very site where
the momentous events described in the scriptures took place:
Peter recognizes Jesus as the Christ (Messiah) and receives the Keys of the
Kingdom of Heaven.
The Roman city of Caesarea Phillipi was first called Paneus, after the
Greek god of the nature, Pan. Great Herod's son, Phillip, inherited the
region following his father's death (4BC), and renamed the city to honor
The visit of Jesus and his disciples took place about 33 years later.
Caesarea Philippi is also known for its picturesque waterfall and the
scenery of the Banias River, one of the three sources of the River Jordan.
ISBN: 9789657607619
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
Translation: Joseph S. Bloch

ISBN: 9789657607626
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Rotem Rothschilld
Korazim - Black rock town
located on a hill observing the Sea of Galilee, Korazim is one of the towns visited by the Galilean teacher Jesus son of Joseph. Fair Korazim of today is very special with its half-restored houses and the impressive well-preserved remnants of an ancient synagogue, dated to the first centuries AD.
We open our story with the prehistoric volcanic burst which created the basalt rocks of Korazim. We are passing through the beginning of humanity and skipping to the first centuries CE, when a thriving Jewish community lived in Korazim. Then we meet Jesus preaching on site.
Seven centuries later we witness the great earthquake, which erased everything. centuries of desolation have followed, until we could meet the beautiful historical site of today, hosting hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the globe.
Through all these upheavals, we have chosen a heroin, that has been there from the beginning of times. She witnessed the happenings through the eras. Her name is EARTH, and you'll get acquainted with her fears and anguishes as well as her proud moments and joys.

The Wonderful Story of the
For centuries, the pelican has been a symbol of love and sacrifice.
In this book, readers will learn how pelicans eat, fly and provide for there families.
This wonderful bird's connection to the Holy Land is explored in magnificent detail, engaging text and inspiring art, informing and entertaining readers of all ages.
ISBN: 9789657607480
Author: Joseph Bloch
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva

Masada - Judea's Last Stand
This is the story of the heroic warriors of Masada two thousand years ago and the siege of the great Roman army that lasted for months. The tragic choice the Jews had to make between death and freedom and the inevitable sacrifice.
ISBN: 9789657607251
Author: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Rony Tamir

Arieh - The lion of Megiddo
This is the story of Mount Megiddo, told by Arieh, the lion. Canaanites fought there but couldn’t beat the Egyptian kings who freed the Israelite nation all the way to the Galilee.
Megiddo (known by the Greeks as Armageddon – the final battle) flourished during the reign of the Jewish kings and many important battles were fought there and will be fought until Messiah will arrive.
ISBN: 9789657607305
Author: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Rony Tamir
The Lost Lamb and The Find of The Century
In the Negev desert, in 1947, a young Bedouin man lost his lamb near the hills of Qumran.
He found it in a cave where he also discovered ten jars of clay. One had some scrolls.
He brought it to a Jewish professor who realized what an ancient treasure had been found – the Holy Bible in its earliest form that belonged to an ancient Jewish community in Qumran.
ISBN: 9789657607671
Author: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Natallya Chernysheva

ISBN: 9789657607251
Author: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Hayim Roiblat Otsarya
Masada Siege's End - מצדה - סיפור המצדה מה היה בסופו
From the First Man to the Son of Man is a collection of ten biblical stories. Beautifully illustrated, each story is presented in both English and Hebrew, from Creation to the Exodus to the Miracles of Jesus. This is a book of wonder and faith that children will love to explore with their parents or on their own.
J. Spencer Bloch is an American–born writer and educator. He has a deep love for the Holy Land, its history, and traditions. Married with three children, he lives in the Jerusalem area, on the way to the Dead Sea.
האסופה "מהאדם הראשון ועד בן האדם" מגישה לקורא הצעיר עשרה סיפורים – מבריאת העולם, דרך סיפור יציאת מצריים ועד תיאור הניסים שחולל ישו.
כל סיפור כתוב בעברית ובאנגלית ומאויר להפליא.
ילדים ייהנו להתבונן ולקרוא, בעזרת הוריהם ובכוחות עצמם.
יוסף ספנסר-בלוך הוא סופר ומחנך יליד ארה"ב.
הוא נשוי ואב לשלושה וחי באזור ירושלים, בדרך לים המלח.
יש לו אהבה עמוקה לארץ הקודש, להיסטוריה שלה ולמסורותיה.
The Ballad of Magdala

ISBN: 9789657607435
Author: Garit Gani
English Version: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
Although Magdala is mentioned several times in the scriptures (Maria Magdalena is a prominent clue), it came as a huge surprise in the year 2009, when remains of an ancient fishery town were revealed near the contemporary shores of the Sea of Galilee. All this happened while digging foundations for a pilgrims' guesthouse on the shore.
Right at the start, the workers unearthed a first century synagogue - one of only seven synagogues from this period in the world. It is more than likely, that Jesus himself had taught here on His ministry in the Galilee. Along with the synagogue, there was discovered an entire first century city, with homes and warehouses, stores and ritual bathes.
Most exciting was the discovery of a stone block, on which a Menorah shape was engraved. It tells that the artist must have seen the original Menorah in Jerusalem before 70 AD (year of the Temple's destruction).
After this stirring discovery, there was erected on site a one-of-its-kind Chapel, the 'Duc In Altum'. With a view of the Sea of Galilee and a unique boat-shaped altar, this chapel commemorates Jesus preaching from the boat. 'Duc In Altum' draws its name from Luke 5:4
where Jesus instructs Simon Peter to “launch into the deep”. On May 26, 2014, during his pastoral pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Pope Francis blessed the tabernacle, which resides on the altar in the Boat Chapel.
The Magdala Stone (Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority)
'Duc In Altum' also exalts the presence of women in the Gospel, first and foremost Mary from Magdala, who was a follower of Jesus and one of the three who found His empty grave.
In just a few short years, with only part of the site excavated, Magdala has already become a very special place of history and culture, as it provides an authentic location to walk and pray where Jesus taught, and to connect with the first century life of Jesus’ followers.

ISBN: 9789657607480
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
Tales a Tel Tells
Esther, a 12 year old Israeli girl, travels through time
and meets children from the past: Sirgofen the
Egyptian girl, Ruben the Israelite, Yuliana the Roman
and Musa the Muslim. All of them used to live at the
different eras at the city of Beit-she'an, on the north-
east of the Holy land.
The contemporary Israeli girl Esther, who tells the
story, leads us through the periods and introduces her
long-gone friends. She reveals her secret: "Out of my
window I look at the Biblical Tel/ 18 layers of periods it
tells./ Some nights I dream my mother bakes/ an eighteen
layers cream 'n chocolate cake."
Beit-she'an is a 6000 year old settlement, 4000 of
them are buried in the bowels of the earth, while
the remnants of the magnificent Roman city of Beit-
she'an, which was ruined in a massive earthquake,
are close at hand and call for us to visit.
The reading is accompanied by a time-table (p. 22),
which will help the young readers and adults as
well to find their way through the layers of time.

City of David
In this delightfully illustrated story, Elad the Dove takes the reader through the 3,000-year history of Ir David, the City of David. From the days of the Patriarchs to Temple times to the modern era, Elad guides the young and the young at heart through the sites which lie at the crossroads of world events. It is a journey you will never forget!
ISBN: 9789657607503
Author: Joseph Bloch
Illustrations: Lulu Sorek
Kurs'is Secrets
A charming family in the fishing village of Kursi, on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, in the 5th century, is getting ready to celebrate their son’s tenth birthday. On this occasion, the young boy can finally learn the awesome, terrifying tale which makes his hometown famous (based on Matthew 5; Mark 8; Luke 8). His father, a local mosaic artist, reveals the secret of the miraculous healing done by Jesus there. The spiritual ministry of Jesus began in the fishing villages around the Sea of Galilee. On the eastern shore, a few hours’ walk from Capernaum, his base of operations, ruins of a settlement have been found, along with a fishermen’s wharf from the Byzantine Era. According to researchers, this site is to be identified with 'Gergesa' or the 'Country of the Gergesenes', which is mentioned in the New Testament. Over the years, the place became known as Kursi. In this area, according to Matthew 5, Mark 8 and Luke 8, Jesus demonstrated his power and healed a man possessed by demons. The demons left the man and entered a nearby herd of swine, which in terror ran down the slope to drown in the sea. The man who was cured then spread the story about the wonders of Jesus. In a certain sense, we may say that this man was Jesus’ first missionary.At this location, surrounded by high basalt stones, ruins of an impressively large basilica were found, alongside an expansive monastery including a dormitory, public buildings, a bathhouse, an olive press and a guesthouse. The ruins are dated to the 5th century, testifying to a Christian community living in the same place where a Jewish community existed in the time of Jesus. On the hillside above the ruins of the church, a giant rock protrudes, alongside the ruins of a small chapel. Tradition identifies this as the spot where Jesus met the man possessed by demons. However, Kursi’s main claim to fame is the beautiful mosaic floors found there. The mosaic artist of Kursi, in the 5th century, excelled at depicting local scenes of nature: fish, birds, plants, fruits. The most famous mosaic depicts a basket and two doves. It is worth noting that the surviving mosaics do not depict the tale related in the New Testament. As the mosaics show some signs of damage throughout the centuries, there is reason to hypothesize that such a mosaic did exist at one point. (Keep in mind that both Muslims and Jews consider pigs unclean.) The settlement survived until a massive earthquake hit the Galilee in 749. The site is now maintained by the Israel Nature and Parks Authority as the Kursi National Park. Annually, it is visited by tens of thousands of tourists and pilgrims, who enjoy a fascinating and inspiring experience. The spiritual ministry of Jesus began in the fishing villages around the Sea of Galilee. On the eastern shore, a few hours’ walk from Capernaum, his base of operations, ruins of a settlement have been found, along with a fishermen’s wharf from the Byzantine Era. According to researchers, this site is to be identified with 'Gergesa' or the 'Country of the Gergesenes', which is mentioned in the New Testament. Over the years, the place became known as Kursi. In this area, according to Matthew 5, Mark 8 and Luke 8, Jesus demonstrated his power and healed a man possessed by demons. The demons left the man and entered a nearby herd of swine, which in terror ran down the slope to drown in the sea. The man who was cured then spread the story about the wonders of Jesus. In a certain sense, we may say that this man was Jesus’ first missionary.At this location, surrounded by high basalt stones, ruins of an impressively large basilica were found, alongside an expansive monastery including a dormitory, public buildings, a bathhouse, an olive press and a guesthouse.Kursi’s Secret allows the young reader to encounter, in a friendly and attractive way, the biblical narrative and its setting almost two millennia ago.
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Elias Akleh

Caesarea Philippi & the Banias nature reserve
The Caesarea Philippi remains in northern Israel of today are yearly
attended by hundreds of thousands, coming to visit the very site where
the momentous events described in the scriptures took place:
Peter recognizes Jesus as the Christ (Messiah) and receives the Keys of the
Kingdom of Heaven.
The Roman city of Caesarea Phillipi was first called Paneus, after the
Greek god of the nature, Pan. Great Herod's son, Phillip, inherited the
region following his father's death (4BC), and renamed the city to honor
The visit of Jesus and his disciples took place about 33 years later.
Caesarea Philippi is also known for its picturesque waterfall and the
scenery of the Banias River, one of the three sources of the River Jordan.
ISBN: 9789657607619
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
Translation: Joseph S. Bloch

ISBN: 9789657607626
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Rotem Rothschilld
Korazim - Black rock town
located on a hill observing the Sea of Galilee, Korazim is one of the towns visited by the Galilean teacher Jesus son of Joseph. Fair Korazim of today is very special with its half-restored houses and the impressive well-preserved remnants of an ancient synagogue, dated to the first centuries AD.
We open our story with the prehistoric volcanic burst which created the basalt rocks of Korazim. We are passing through the beginning of humanity and skipping to the first centuries CE, when a thriving Jewish community lived in Korazim. Then we meet Jesus preaching on site.
Seven centuries later we witness the great earthquake, which erased everything. centuries of desolation have followed, until we could meet the beautiful historical site of today, hosting hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the globe.
Through all these upheavals, we have chosen a heroin, that has been there from the beginning of times. She witnessed the happenings through the eras. Her name is EARTH, and you'll get acquainted with her fears and anguishes as well as her proud moments and joys.

The WonDeRFuL Story of the
!For centuries, the pelican has been a symbol of love and sacrifice.
In this book, readers will learn how pelicans eat, fly and provide for their families.
,This wonderful bird's connection to the Holy Land is explored in magnificent detail
.Engaging text and inspiring art, Information and entertaining readers of all ages.!
ISBN: 9789657607480
Author: Joseph Bloch
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva

Masada - Judea's Last Stand
This is the story of the heroic warriors of Masada two thousand years ago and the siege of the great Roman army that lasted for months. The tragic choice the Jews had to make between death and freedom and the inevitable sacrifice.
ISBN: 9789657607251
Author: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Rony Tamir

Arieh - The lion of Megiddo
This is the story of Mount Megiddo, told by Arieh, the lion. Canaanites fought there but couldn’t beat the Egyptian kings who freed the Israelite nation all the way to the Galilee.
Megiddo (known by the Greeks as Armageddon – the final battle) flourished during the reign of the Jewish kings and many important battles were fought there and will be fought until Messiah will arrive.
Author: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Rony Tamir
The Lost Lamb and The Find of The Century
In the Negev desert, in 1947, a young Bedouin man lost his lamb near the hills of Qumran.
He found it in a cave where he also discovered ten jars of clay. One had some scrolls.
He brought it to a Jewish professor who realized what an ancient treasure had been found – the Holy Bible in its earliest form that belonged to an ancient Jewish community in Qumran.
ISBN: 9789657607671
Author: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Natallya Chernysheva

ISBN: 9789657607251
Author: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Hayim Roiblat Otsarya
Masada Siege's End - מצדה - סיפור המצדה מה היה בסופו
From the First Man to the Son of Man is a collection of ten biblical stories. Beautifully illustrated, each story is presented in both English and Hebrew, from Creation to the Exodus to the Miracles of Jesus. This is a book of wonder and faith that children will love to explore with their parents or on their own.
J. Spencer Bloch is an American–born writer and educator. He has a deep love for the Holy Land, its history, and traditions. Married with three children, he lives in the Jerusalem area, on the way to the Dead Sea.
האסופה "מהאדם הראשון ועד בן האדם" מגישה לקורא הצעיר עשרה סיפורים – מבריאת העולם, דרך סיפור יציאת מצריים ועד תיאור הניסים שחולל ישו.
כל סיפור כתוב בעברית ובאנגלית ומאויר להפליא.
ילדים ייהנו להתבונן ולקרוא, בעזרת הוריהם ובכוחות עצמם.
יוסף ספנסר-בלוך הוא סופר ומחנך יליד ארה"ב.
הוא נשוי ואב לשלושה וחי באזור ירושלים, בדרך לים המלח.
יש לו אהבה עמוקה לארץ הקודש, להיסטוריה שלה ולמסורותיה.
The Ballad of Magdala

ISBN: 9789657607435
Author: Garit Gani
English Version: J. Spencer Bloch
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
Although Magdala is mentioned several times in the scriptures (Maria Magdalena is a prominent clue), it came as a huge surprise in the year 2009, when remains of an ancient fishery town were revealed near the contemporary shores of the Sea of Galilee. All this happened while digging foundations for a pilgrims' guesthouse on the shore.
Right at the start, the workers unearthed a first century synagogue - one of only seven synagogues from this period in the world. It is more than likely, that Jesus himself had taught here on His ministry in the Galilee. Along with the synagogue, there was discovered an entire first century city, with homes and warehouses, stores and ritual bathes.
Most exciting was the discovery of a stone block, on which a Menorah shape was engraved. It tells that the artist must have seen the original Menorah in Jerusalem before 70 AD (year of the Temple's destruction).
After this stirring discovery, there was erected on site a one-of-its-kind Chapel, the 'Duc In Altum'. With a view of the Sea of Galilee and a unique boat-shaped altar, this chapel commemorates Jesus preaching from the boat. 'Duc In Altum' draws its name from Luke 5:4
where Jesus instructs Simon Peter to “launch into the deep”. On May 26, 2014, during his pastoral pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Pope Francis blessed the tabernacle, which resides on the altar in the Boat Chapel.
The Magdala Stone (Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority)
'Duc In Altum' also exalts the presence of women in the Gospel, first and foremost Mary from Magdala, who was a follower of Jesus and one of the three who found His empty grave.
In just a few short years, with only part of the site excavated, Magdala has already become a very special place of history and culture, as it provides an authentic location to walk and pray where Jesus taught, and to connect with the first century life of Jesus’ followers.

ISBN: 9789657607480
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
Tales a Tel Tells
Esther, a 12 year old Israeli girl, travels through time
and meets children from the past: Sirgofen the
Egyptian girl, Ruben the Israelite, Yuliana the Roman
and Musa the Muslim. All of them used to live at the
different eras at the city of Beit-she'an, on the north-
east of the Holy land.
The contemporary Israeli girl Esther, who tells the
story, leads us through the periods and introduces her
long-gone friends. She reveals her secret: "Out of my
window I look at the Biblical Tel/ 18 layers of periods it
tells./ Some nights I dream my mother bakes/ an eighteen
layers cream 'n chocolate cake."
Beit-she'an is a 6000 year old settlement, 4000 of
them are buried in the bowels of the earth, while
the remnants of the magnificent Roman city of Beit-
she'an, which was ruined in a massive earthquake,
are close at hand and call for us to visit.
The reading is accompanied by a time-table (p. 22),
which will help the young readers and adults as
well to find their way through the layers of time.

City of David
In this delightfully illustrated story, Elad the Dove takes the reader through the 3,000-year history of Ir David, the City of David. From the days of the Patriarchs to Temple times to the modern era, Elad guides the young and the young at heart through the sites which lie at the crossroads of world events. It is a journey you will never forget!
ISBN: 9789657607503
Author: Joseph Bloch
Illustrations: Lulu Sorek
Kurs'is Secrets
A charming family in the fishing village of Kursi, on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, in the 5th century, is getting ready to celebrate their son’s tenth birthday. On this occasion, the young boy can finally learn the awesome, terrifying tale which makes his hometown famous (based on Matthew 5; Mark 8; Luke 8). His father, a local mosaic artist, reveals the secret of the miraculous healing done by Jesus there. The spiritual ministry of Jesus began in the fishing villages around the Sea of Galilee. On the eastern shore, a few hours’ walk from Capernaum, his base of operations, ruins of a settlement have been found, along with a fishermen’s wharf from the Byzantine Era. According to researchers, this site is to be identified with 'Gergesa' or the 'Country of the Gergesenes', which is mentioned in the New Testament. Over the years, the place became known as Kursi. In this area, according to Matthew 5, Mark 8 and Luke 8, Jesus demonstrated his power and healed a man possessed by demons. The demons left the man and entered a nearby herd of swine, which in terror ran down the slope to drown in the sea. The man who was cured then spread the story about the wonders of Jesus. In a certain sense, we may say that this man was Jesus’ first missionary.At this location, surrounded by high basalt stones, ruins of an impressively large basilica were found, alongside an expansive monastery including a dormitory, public buildings, a bathhouse, an olive press and a guesthouse. The ruins are dated to the 5th century, testifying to a Christian community living in the same place where a Jewish community existed in the time of Jesus. On the hillside above the ruins of the church, a giant rock protrudes, alongside the ruins of a small chapel. Tradition identifies this as the spot where Jesus met the man possessed by demons. However, Kursi’s main claim to fame is the beautiful mosaic floors found there. The mosaic artist of Kursi, in the 5th century, excelled at depicting local scenes of nature: fish, birds, plants, fruits. The most famous mosaic depicts a basket and two doves. It is worth noting that the surviving mosaics do not depict the tale related in the New Testament. As the mosaics show some signs of damage throughout the centuries, there is reason to hypothesize that such a mosaic did exist at one point. (Keep in mind that both Muslims and Jews consider pigs unclean.) The settlement survived until a massive earthquake hit the Galilee in 749. The site is now maintained by the Israel Nature and Parks Authority as the Kursi National Park. Annually, it is visited by tens of thousands of tourists and pilgrims, who enjoy a fascinating and inspiring experience. The spiritual ministry of Jesus began in the fishing villages around the Sea of Galilee. On the eastern shore, a few hours’ walk from Capernaum, his base of operations, ruins of a settlement have been found, along with a fishermen’s wharf from the Byzantine Era. According to researchers, this site is to be identified with 'Gergesa' or the 'Country of the Gergesenes', which is mentioned in the New Testament. Over the years, the place became known as Kursi. In this area, according to Matthew 5, Mark 8 and Luke 8, Jesus demonstrated his power and healed a man possessed by demons. The demons left the man and entered a nearby herd of swine, which in terror ran down the slope to drown in the sea. The man who was cured then spread the story about the wonders of Jesus. In a certain sense, we may say that this man was Jesus’ first missionary.At this location, surrounded by high basalt stones, ruins of an impressively large basilica were found, alongside an expansive monastery including a dormitory, public buildings, a bathhouse, an olive press and a guesthouse.Kursi’s Secret allows the young reader to encounter, in a friendly and attractive way, the biblical narrative and its setting almost two millennia ago.
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Elias Akleh

Caesarea Philippi & the Banias nature reserve
The Caesarea Philippi remains in northern Israel of today are yearly
attended by hundreds of thousands, coming to visit the very site where
the momentous events described in the scriptures took place:
Peter recognizes Jesus as the Christ (Messiah) and receives the Keys of the
Kingdom of Heaven.
The Roman city of Caesarea Phillipi was first called Paneus, after the
Greek god of the nature, Pan. Great Herod's son, Phillip, inherited the
region following his father's death (4BC), and renamed the city to honor
The visit of Jesus and his disciples took place about 33 years later.
Caesarea Philippi is also known for its picturesque waterfall and the
scenery of the Banias River, one of the three sources of the River Jordan.
ISBN: 9789657607619
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
Translation: Joseph S. Bloch

ISBN: 9789657607626
Author: Sarit Gani
Illustrations: Rotem Rothschilld
Korazim - Black rock town
located on a hill observing the Sea of Galilee, Korazim is one of the towns visited by the Galilean teacher Jesus son of Joseph. Fair Korazim of today is very special with its half-restored houses and the impressive well-preserved remnants of an ancient synagogue, dated to the first centuries AD.
We open our story with the prehistoric volcanic burst which created the basalt rocks of Korazim. We are passing through the beginning of humanity and skipping to the first centuries CE, when a thriving Jewish community lived in Korazim. Then we meet Jesus preaching on site.
Seven centuries later we witness the great earthquake, which erased everything. centuries of desolation have followed, until we could meet the beautiful historical site of today, hosting hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the globe.
Through all these upheavals, we have chosen a heroin, that has been there from the beginning of times. She witnessed the happenings through the eras. Her name is EARTH, and you'll get acquainted with her fears and anguishes as well as her proud moments and joys.

The WonDeRFuL Story of the
!For centuries, the pelican has been a symbol of love and sacrifice.
In this book, readers will learn how pelicans eat, fly and provide for their families.
,This wonderful bird's connection to the Holy Land is explored in magnificent detail
.Engaging text and inspiring art, Information and entertaining readers of all ages.!
ISBN: 9789657607480
Author: Joseph Bloch
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva

Text : DR Sara Eidelman
Illustration: Lulo Sorek
Tel Dan Reserve
A family sets out from Gush Dan for the Tel Dan Nature Reserve.
Their journey in the present is interwoven with stories from the past: about the Tribe of Dan and its search for a home, about dilemmas and struggles along the way, and about the place they discover — a location which, to this very day, is overflowing with water, flora and fauna; the site known today as the Tel Dan Nature Reserve, a place in which the richness of nature meets recent and ancient history.
This story is presented in a format appropriate for young children and their parents who want to enjoy the wonders of this site and at the same time to instill an appreciation for and familiarity with the past.
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