ISBN: 9789657607152
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrations: Najwan Zoubi
This beautifully illustrated book for children tells the story of the inspiring meeting between Jesus and his precursor, John the Baptist. The Jordan River and the baptismal site "Yardenit on the River" perform a leading role as well.
Jim Reimann, a minister, author and tour leader who had led more than 25 pilgrimages to Israel, tells the story for children in an engaging rhyming text. The book combines the Biblical story of the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River with the story of the present day "Yardenit Baptismal Site", located on the same ancient river.
In addition to the remarkable illustrations of the historical events, in the book you will find a photo of the "wall of New Life" that encircles "Yardenit", bearing the verses of Mark 1:9-11 in more then 80 languages and dialects. Each visitor will find these holy verses in his own mother tongue. Also included is a note to parents and teachers indicating the Bible passage upon which the Bible story portion of the book is based (Mark 1: 1-11). This makes the book more adaptable for families or classes with wide-ranging ages.

Jesus Is Born! The Bethlehem Story
This story recounts the announcement by the angel Gabriel to Mary of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It follows Mary and Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem,
Jesus’ birth and Him being placed in a manger where the animals feed, and the shepherds’ quest to find the baby Jesus and worship Him. The story is based on Luke 1:26-35 and Luke 2:1-20, teaching children that the Lord Jesus whom we worship was born a baby, just like we all are.
ISBN: 9789657607008
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrations: Julia Filipone Erez

Jesus Is Alive: The Empty Tomb In Jerusalem
This is the story of Jesus’ arrest, crucifixion, death and resurrection. It was written specifically for children, it also tells of His promise to return and bring us to live in a place He is preparing for those who trust in Him. The story is based on Matthew 26:17-56, John 19:26-20:18 and Luke 24:50-53, teaching children that Jesus died for them but is alive and will return soon.
ISBN: 9789657607015
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrations: Julia Filipone Erez

ISBN: 978-965-7607-46-6
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrations: Nataliya Chernysheva
The Baptism of Jesus - A Story from the Jordan River
"And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from
Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.
And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the
heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending
upon him: and there came a voice from heaven, saying,
Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased"-
Mark 1:9-11. Beautifully illustrated for children, JESUS IS
BAPTIZED IN THE JORDAN RIVER tells the story of this inspiring
meeting between Jesus and his precursor, John the
Baptist. Situated in a pristine natural environment at the
point where the Jordan River meets the Dead Sea in
southern Israel, Qasr El-Yahud is believed to be the
location where John baptized his cousin, Jesus of
Nazareth. It quates: "John did baptize in the wilderness
(…) and there went out unto him all the land of Judaea,
and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the
river of Jordan, confessing their sins" (Mark 1:4-5).
Archeological remains from the Roman and Byzantine
periods, including the mosaics map of Madaba from the
sixth century, testify to an ongoing tradition of baptisms in
this area throughout the generations. Today, hundreds of
thousands of Christian pilgrims, following their savior,
come to Qasr El-Yahud to experience the presence of the
Lord and to renew their faith through Baptism in the
Jordan River. The author Jim Reimann was an ordained
minister and a Bible teacher. In his lifetime he led more
than 25 pilgrimages to Israel, which helped him to ensure
that these children Bible stories are biblically correct as
well as historically accurate.

Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World
Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World is a story in which Jesus uses a little child to tell people that we must be humble and small to see the kingdom of heaven. It shares the message of the love that Jesus has for His children. This story is based on the Scriptures Matthew 18:1-6 and 19:13-15. Hopefully, children will learn that Jesus loves them very, very much.
ISBN: 9789657607039
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrations: Julia Filipone Erez
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrations: Hayim Roitblat Otsarya& Rony Tamir
The healing Hands of Jesus
Two Miracles in Capernaum
THE HEALING HANDS OF JESUS is a story of His miraculous power by which he heals a sick boy and raises a dead girl. The realization of the miracle has only one condition: the parents' prior recognition of Jesus as their Savior. The miraculous healing is done by the power of faith! The story of the boy is based on John 4:46-54. The story of the girl is based on the scripture Matthew 9:18-26 and Mark 5:35-43.
From dark to light

An inspiring story from the first days of Christianity the new
enlightened branch growing from the Jewish trunk. Here the
children will meet Stephen the man of Jerusalem,who helped the
apostles in spreading the Gospel and paid for it with his life,
and Saul-Paul, one of the great deniers of Jesus' good tiding,
whose heart was turned over to be the head of Jesus' Apostles.
Rhymed text and colorful illustrations bring children closer to this
powerful stories.
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrator: Roni Tamir
John 3:16 - Jesus and Nicodemus in Jerusalem
John 3:16 - Jesus and Nicodemus in Jerusalem is a story of Nicodemus, a Jewish leader. He comes to Jesus at night and wants to know how to enter the kingdom of God. Jesus shares that one must be “born again,” and anyone who trusts in Jesus can have eternal life. This story is based on the Scripture John 3:1-16. Hopefully, children will learn they may trust in Jesus and have eternal life.

The Baptism of Jesus - A Story from the Jordan River

ISBN: 9789657607022
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrations: Julia Pilipone Erez

ISBN: 9789657607220
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrations: Hayim Roitblat Otsarya
Jesus Heals A Little Boy - A Miracle in Capernaum
Jesus Heals A Little Boy – A Miracle in Capernaum is a story of Jesus' second recorded miracle. While in Cana, a royal official's son was sick, and he asked Jesus to heal his son. When returning home to Capernaum, the man's servants told him his son was well, just as Jesus said he would be. The man and his whole family believed in Jesus as the Messiah. The story is based on John 4:46-54. Hopefully, children will see that Jesus is who He claimed to be, and they will trust Him as their Savior.

Jesus Raises A Little Girl to Life - A Miracle in Capernaum
Jesus Raises A Little Girl – A Miracle in Capernaum is a story of a little girl in Capernaum who had died. She was the daughter of Jairus, a ruler in the synagogue. Jesus went to her home and brought her back to life proving His claims to be the Messiah who was to come. The story is based on the Scripture Matthew 9:18-26 and Mark 5:35-43. Hopefully, children will see that Jesus is who He claimed to be, and they will trust Him as their Savior.
ISBN: 9789657607237
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrations: Rony Tamir

Saul is Born Again
Saul Is Born Again is a story of the conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus. Saul discovers that in his persecution of the believers, he was actually persecuting the Lord Himself. The Lord saved Saul and used him to spread the gospel to the known world and establish many churches. Saul was also inspired by God and wrote a large portion of the New Testament.
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrator: Roni Tamir

Stephen-The First Christian Martyr
This story is about Saint Stephen, a man full of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit. He boldly proclaimed the gospel to the crowds and is persecuted, then stoned to death, making him the first person to be martyred for his faith. He saw the glory of God and was welcomed into heaven by Jesus. Hopefully, children will learn that Jesus welcomes those into heaven that belong to Him.
ISBN: 9789657607244
Author: Rev. Jim Reimann
Illustrations: Rony Tamir